Marriage is a gift from the Lord, but so is womanhood! Christian leaders and influencers are so used to glorifying one without acknowledging the other. Womanhood, including all the ebbs, flows, cycles, and changes in our bodies are forced aside while we are told to keep our marital intimacy hot and spicy all month long. But a woman’s body isn’t designed like a man’s, and contrary to what we’ve been told for decades, we are not supposed to forsake our design simply to accommodate our husband’s. Marriage is and should always be balanced.
What if our design as women complimented our husband’s and vice-versa? What if marital intimacy was more than just sex-on-demand? What if our husbands were partners and companions in our cycles instead of astronauts living in the outer-space of ignorance when it comes to our bodies, moods, hormones, and, shall I say it, our periods?
I believe marriage is the most beautiful and sacred union on earth. Nothing trumps a solid, pure, godly marriage! And yet, so many Christian couples are struggling to sync up their love life because while one is embracing his God-given manhood, the other is consistently riding the waves of her God-given womanhood, and neither of them are able to understand why they feel so disconnected in their desires.
However, understanding a woman’s monthly cycle or hormones will help her husband bridge the gap between confusion and a passionate physical companionship. You see, a women’s period is a symbol of health and strength and a sure indicator of the stark differences between man and woman. Afterall, only a woman with a period is able to give birth! What a gift!
This is why I have created and designed a simple guide for husbands to follow their wives’ cycles- including the ebbs and flows of moods and emotions. While this is simply a guide, and not a full-comprehensive resource, my hope is that you and your husband are able to make strides in the right direction when it comes to love, moods, and marital intimacy.
Ultimately, I hope A Slice of your Wife is able to lay the foundation of a stronger, happier, and more in sync marriage both on the emotional and physical levels as you both grow to learn more about each other’s God-given designs as male and female.
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